In an exquisite fashion show set at the enchanting island of Capri, Dolce & Gabbana presented their Fall Winter 2014-15 Alta Moda. A catwalk anything but ordinary, sizzling with stunning gowns, Sicilian inspired prints, crystal embellished ensembles and sumptuous furs.
In an exquisite fashion show set at the enchanting island of Capri, Dolce & Gabbana presented their Fall Winter 2014-15 Alta Moda. A catwalk anything but ordinary, sizzling with stunning gowns, sicilian inspired prints, crystal embellished ensembles and sumptuous furs.
All of the ingredients were there. The show started with grand opera at sundown and the models arrived by boat from Sorrento to the beach and to the Fontelina, a private terrace overlooking the sea (yes, the Light Blue commercial…). Well played by the organisers, the show was both extravagant and intimate. As many sources recall, so bewitched was the small audience, paparazzi-free, that some of the dresses and accessories had been ordered by text message before models had time to take them off.
“It’s about the beauty of Italy – We don’t really have Alta Moda here – we wanted to do something for our country,” said an emotional Stefano Gabbana, as he talked through the collection in an improvised dressing room overlooking the choppy water. A casual glamour that Domenico Dolce claimed was last seen in the era of Liz Taylor, Princess Soraya of Iran, the Duchess of Windsor and Jackie Kennedy in the high tide of Capri chic.
Don’t miss out on the gorgeous images the show left.
Picture: Dolce & Gabbana
Picture: Instagram Stefano Gabbana
Picture: Dolce & Gabbana
Picture: Dolce & Gabbana
Picture: Dolce & Gabbana
Picture: Dolce & Gabbana