Created by the Scottish designer Nick Smith, this series is a recreation of art classics made with none other than Pantone, the colour bible. These works are part of his collection titled Psycolourgy, now showcasing at Lawrence Alkin Gallery (@LAGalleryArt) in London until 20 February 2015.

Born in Glasgow, Nick Smith is London based designer with studies in Product Design. After his studies, he worked for a long time as an interiors designer until one day he decided to change his career path and focus on his art.

He declares himself obsessed with Dazzle camouflage and colour Psychology. You can see more of his interesting works in his web site

Nick Smith Psicolourgy Splash

Nick Smith Psicolourgy Vermeer

Nick Smith Psicolourgy Van Gogh

Nick Smith Psicolourgy Warhol

Nick Smith Psicolourgy Mona Lisa

Images: Paul Smith