Would you choose one cent over another? Well maybe if it was one of Andre Levy’s colourful hand-painted coins you would. This Brazilian artist transforms dull coin sculptures into colourful familiar faces from pop culture, taking them from lifeless items to vibrant one-in-a-million artworks.
Would you choose one cent over another? Well maybe if it was one of Andre Levy’s colourful hand-painted coins you would. This Brazilian artist transforms dull coin sculptures into colourful familiar faces from pop culture, taking them from lifeless items to vibrant one-in-a-million artworks.
From Spiderman to Einstein, through Disney Characters, Harry Potter, Where is Waldo, Wolverine, and many more…
This ongoing project called ‘Tales You Lose’ is more than just a pastime for Levy. As he explains the idea: ”Coins are actually massively-reproduced little sculptures. This project brings individual character to each replica, and makes us think: Are we able to like one cent more than others, just by injecting new stories in it? Those are the Tales You Lose.”
What started as a project on Instagram has become much more and the internet is overflowing with creations that magnify this trend even more.
Check out more clever designs bellow or follow this fun project at http://talesyoulose.tumblr.com.
Images © Tales You Lose