Fans of Ralph Lauren can now get their caffeine fix at the firm’s first branded coffee shop, located on the second floor of his new Polo flagship.
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Fans of Ralph Lauren can now get their caffeine fix at the firm’s first branded coffee shop, located on the second floor of his new Polo flagship.
‘Coffee culture’ has become another symbol of ‘the american way of life’ (we can thank Starbucks for that). If there was any doubt about it, now the king of America retail Ralph Lauren has also decided coffee blends well with its brand values.
Image source: Ralph Lauren
Ralph seems to have it pretty clear: “The smell of freshly brewed coffee evokes so many memories for me, mostly of time spent with friends and family, the people I love. I wanted to develop these coffee blends in that spirit, and create a place where people could come together and take a break from their busy days.”
Image source: Ralph Lauren
Ralph Coffee’s special blends include Ralph’s Roast, Decaf and Espresso, which feature organically grown beans from Central and South America and Africa and are roasted and packaged in the US by La Colombe in Philadelphia. In the shop, customers will also get to try some of Ralph Lauren’s favourite sweet treats.
Image source: Ralph Lauren
Ralph’s Coffee is located in New York city at Fifth Ave. and 55th St, on the 2nd floor of the Polo Ralph Lauren flagship store.